Week 4 Show Me What You've Learned Part 2 by Claire
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Week 4 Show Me What You've Learned Part 1
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Friday, June 26, 2009
Week 4 The Journey Ahead
The thesis and media project are vast upon us and yet I'm not sure what tools will best execute my vision for the media portion. Ordinary presentations/lectures just don't cut it with today's twenty-first century learners. Incorporating audience response system clickers is to the problem. It's finding the ultimate applications that will help create a balance between student interaction and the flow of content knowledge. I hope to incorporate text, video, and animation as needed and maybe even sneak a little gaming element in as well. My main struggle is that the CPS clickers that I intend to incorporate function primarily through the use of Power Point or a slightly less flexible program that comes with the clickers. After reading The Art of Possibility I really need to examine what unintentional barriers that I'm throwing up. I need to go from here and see what possibilities lie ahead and move forward without reservation or fear of failure. I desperately need to apply "Rule Number Six" and just go for it full force.
Week 4 Reading The Art of Possibility

Suderman,C. (artist). (2006). Kids in the Classroom. [photo]. Retrieved June 26, 2009, from
"The Way Things Are" by far for me was to most revealing and meaningful chapter. It's huge to be "present to the way things are". So often in life find ourselves in a downward spiral feeling victimized by the world. This chapter forced me to look deeper to determine if there are any barriers that I've thrown up that are preventing me from reaching my own goals. To often we set ourselves up to fail with negative self talk, so I love when Roz challenges us to ask where are we speaking from. It's so simply, just relay the entire story and present ways to move on from here. No better statement could end this practice, "the truth readies us for the next step". "Giving Way to Passion" grants permission to fully dive in without reserve. For once, just go for it no settling for what is easily obtained but working hard to achieve that which is what you really desire. "Lighting a spark" is not so easy in the political world of education, but I can see how being present face-to-face letting your passion overflow could ignite a spark. It's just so intimidating to stand up in the face of false assumptions on the part of those with whom your conflict lies. "Owning the risk for everything that happens in your life", a great feat in today's society which is prone to place blame and avoid ownership. "Being the board" requires such vigilance and poise leaving behind that which you cannot control. I'm amazing at this novel approach...how refreshing. To create frameworks for possibilities one must simply take on a new mindset--one that overcomes downward thinking. You must display your vision in such a way that the possibilities draw everyone in. The last and most pressing reality of the book comes down to one powerful word...me. Taking yourself out of the equation and focusing on the whole will make all the difference. So for me, the next step really is...Where do we go from here?
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Week 4 Stickam

Beale. S. and Laughing Squid. (artist). (2008). Kiki and Bubu on Stickam. [photo]. Retrieved June 23, 2009, from http://laughingsquid.com/
Stickam opens up a whole new world of communication. How great would it be if students were able to debate or collaborate with students from around the world. My short experience in Stickam confirmed the need to have a room to meet in if you want to remain uninterrupted. I found the slight video delay a little comical almost like a old Chinese movie. I curious to explore and find out what the possibilities of this tool are compared to things like Wimba and Skype. Our group Stickam session went rather well, except for getting bumped out once. It was easy to use and communicate as long as you didn't focus on the video delay. We shared some great media resources that were used throughout the program and were able to grasp a clear picture of months 10, 11, and 12...what a relief.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Week 3 Podcasts & iTunes
Until this program I never really used iTunes and it has opened up a whole new world right at my fingertips. When I first started to search for podcasts, I just used a search engine which was some what effective. I was a little frustrated so I looked to see what others had used and saw that many had searched iTunes. The amount of free podcasts blew my mind, plus the ability to purchase episodes of my favorite Mythbusters...who could ask for more. Through searching for content videos earlier in the school year, I came across great short videos through the history channel website as well as using google video search. Letting students see how coins and money were made resulted in a more invested student. Students could see camouflage in action and were able to capture a vivid memory to add to their background knowledge. Like Alice said, podcasts would make a great learning center with endless possibilities. Students could learn a song, review vocabulary, listen and then write, and the list could go on.
Week 3 Ron Smith Interview Interactive Q&A

Strathdee. J. (artist). (2008). Hollywood High Marching Band. [photo]. Retrieved June 21, 2009, from
1) Why do students choose to attend Hollywood High School? Would this type of school interest you? Why or Why not?
It's a school that focuses on careers in the Entertainment Business. This school would be of interests to me because I'm interested in graphic design.
2) Name two tools that Ron Smith tried out on his students when they became popular. Have you ever used one or both of these tools at school? If so, how?
Podcasts & Text Messaging
3) What is the ideal scenario for students after they graduate from HHS?
The they would go to college with a career path that leads them to work in the entertainment industry.
4)What opportunities await HHS graduates?
They have the opportunity for internships and mentoring which could lead to jobs with graphic design or careers in the movie business.
5) What application does Ron Smith prefer his students use to create presentations?
He prefers that students use Flash rather than PowerPoint.
6) Why does Ron Smith use the following with his students: movies, sound, dance, etc.? He uses these and any tools to engage his students.
7) Name at least two applications that Ron Smith allows his students to express themselves through. Do you have this same freedom when it comes to classroom projects? Explain
Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash
My freedom depends on the teacher, I work harder when I'm able to choose my app.
8) What is the most common application that teachers use for presentations? Is this engaging to you?
PowerPoint It can be engaging, it depends on how it is used and whether it incorporates multimedia. It also depends on the delivery of the instructor.
9) What did Ron Smith mean when he said digital teaching is all front-loaded?
He meant that the work load for planning is all done in the beginning, not gradually as the year goes on.
10) Describe one of the new applications Ron Smith's students are using? Which of these is most appealing to you?
I think Sketch is the most appealing because you can create 3D models that could be used to bring your concept to life.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Week 3 Wimba Fair Use
Mediathatmatters. (2007). Eyes on the Fair Use of the Prize. [video]. Retrieved June 21, 2009, fromwww.youtube.com/watch?v=0r0pM1hJGU8
The crazy world of Fair Use has lead many to test the waters of so called "borrowing" with the intent to credit the author. At least for now ideas are free from copy right. Teachers are masters of borrowing and using other ideas for inspiration, not to copy or default the owner but to spark students thinking. Copyright lasting for life plus 70 years seems a little extreme, and what about works whose copyright has expired. The cost of re-licensing works are astronomical. Consider the YouTube video above...are other historical event doomed to this same fate of never to be aired again? How can these works be revived? Works are often recreated to bring them to a modern day audience for our pleasure, but when is this supreme power of ownership causing our creative juices to verge extinction. Producers should find a way to fuse consumer participation by establishing their own competitions that allow consumer creativity to shine, of course with perks for the consumer and the producer. This type of collaboration could fuel a new generation of artists, filmmakers, and media consumers. Once a balance is established many media moguls will follow suit to drive competition. Who knows maybe a little competition will change the boundaries.
Week 3 Reading The Art of Possibilities

The Art of Possibilities is strikingly similar to this other study I am doing where it is all about identifying the false assumption that we have that tend to hold us back. I really had to ponder the thought of "getting back in the boat" as necessary to be able to steer. My perception of a boat is different because of a previous study "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat". So I see getting out as a good thing as long as your eyes remain focused and you don't look down. It's the looking down and falling in that cause of to loose of sense of direction and purpose. Although I've seen the dots puzzle before, I struggled to remember how to complete it. I knew that I had to go outside of the bounds of the dots, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how. This experience struck a chord with me as to the number of times I've limited myself to the confines of my preconceived notions. I thought about my current status and the underlying assumptions that seem to limit my situation. So, now I see that I must create what I haven't thought of yet to provide alternate choices. Wow, I never thought of "How are you?" in such a way that I could answer "perfect". What a transformation of lives could take place if only our perspectives were widened. A "Universe of Possibility" simply just allows us to live without being defined or driven by our internal need to survive. "Giving an A" brings the greatest form of freedom, the freedom to express ones self without fear of failure. It's a license to reach beyond the norm and strive to demonstrate one's own brilliance. I've seen this is practice, yet ultimately seeing several succumb to playing second fiddle. "Leading from Any Chair" often is a daunting task for some people as many tend to not see what difference they make. For me this were the most striking statement of the book appears, "Who am I being that they are not shining?" What a profound thought if only trainers/educator took this approach. I also love the possibility of change coming through pouring all you've got into what you love. "Rule Number 6" how true of today's society to be so tightly wound that applying this rule would unlock such potential. Also so typical that our calculating self often lets someone stand in the way of reaching complete satisfaction. Luckily the central self handles life as it comes and goes with the f low.
Week 2 Podcasts & iTunes

Transhis. (artist). (2009). Radio (Podcast) Days - 59/365. [photo]. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from
I was quite overwhelmed with selection of audio and video podcasts available for free through iTunes. From Discovery channel to PBS the selection is vast with no stone left unturned. How Stuff Works is one of my favorite website references and now I can subscribe to their blog to answer those innocent questions that everyone wants to know like...Why is the sky blue? I was able to find many podcasts relating to stories that we currently read in the classroom. I found one podcast about the very astronaut that we read about--Franklin Chaz Diaz. The podcast on the Gold Rush is another tool to help students understand the significance of this event. Episodes of Myth Busters for $1.99 was thrilling because I can choose only the episodes that I need rather than purchase the whole season.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Week 2 Reading Convergence Culture

Lion, W. (artist). (2009). Playing with information. [photo]. Retrieved June 21, 2009, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/will-lion/3601144842/
I find the whole power struggle between producer and consumer to be a little bit ironic especially because of the mass merchandise that is produced to promote products/movies. Convergence Culture points out this irony as consumers are allow to wear shirts, hang poster, and play video games promoting and/or based on things like movies, yet frowns on that same consumer posting any images related to their product on their webpages, etc. Does the mega giant forget that this is free advertising for them that could open up the doors to attract new fans who will ultimately pad their pocket. I do recognize some danger in allowing consumers to produce their own versions of a movie which could devalue or draw attention away from the original production. However, the creative freedom and expression of individuals leads to quite entertaining cinema and often leads to opportunities that stem from their altered creations. If any one person or entity had complete control of media, what would happen to our freedoms?
Waiting on permission to use photo...Permission Granted! Thanks Will
Week 2 Podcasts and DC

Wagner, K. (artist). (2008). Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. [photo]. Retrieved June 21, 2009 from
Many places we visited in DC provided podcast tours; unfortunately, we where not allowed to listen to the MP3 during our tour in the capital. The freedom to explore and absorb the quirky facts about the capital was squashed by a tour guide speaking softly to a group of over sixty. It was quite disappointing that our group was excluded from this experience. The majority of the museums we visited were heavily text loaded which doesn't thrill our techie generation. The use of podcasts is this setting would revolutionize the knowledge students absorb during their visit. Luckily there were opportunities to watch a short video or experience a flight simulator.
Week 2 Wimba Creative Commons

TilarX. (artist). (2007). Creative Commons Swag Contest 2007_2. [photo]. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from
The information on Creative Commons has by far been one of the most valuable pieces of information in the program thus far. This knowledge will not only help me but allow me to teach my students the proper was to determine whether a piece of media can be used. I never knew that you could check Flickr photos for CC this will make my life much easier. Creating and sharing my own media using CC will help other educators see the important of fair use.
More to come...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Week 2 Washington D.C. or BUST
I'm off to Washington D.C. for four days to chaperon eighth graders. I'm exciting for this opportunity and ready to soak it all in even though the weather looks like it'll be rainy. Many of the units we cover in reading highlight things that I will experience up close. I hope FPE training will come in handy and I plan to create a highlight reel for the students when I return. I've been thinking about what kinds of podcasts would be beneficial for students to listen to and without having searched for any yet, I think that ones created by other students would be a good place to start. I also hope to find ones that captivate the listener through storytelling and vivid use of words so that you can picture what the speaker is talking about. I'm going to attempt to submit week 2 blogs from my blackberry from D.C., but I've never tried it so you'll have to wait and see how it goes.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Week 1 Show Me What You Know
By far the best part of this program are the tools provided by our Mac Book Pro. The ease in which projects can be created has blown my mind. I never thought switching from using a PC would be so easy and I haven't looked back since. The tool that seems to bring everything together is iMovie--I can easily import pictures and music from iPhoto and Garage Band. Unfortunately for me, I tend to under utilize the organization tools found in these programs. Often my desktop becomes a crowded mess, which is not efficient and becomes time consuming.
Video Create in iMovie using previous projects and images.
Week 1 Convergence Culture

McDaniel. (artist).(2008). Academic Curriculum Image. [photo] Retrieved June 7, 2009, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/13102672@N00/3107918195/
Convergence Culture takes a look at the surge of various media delivery tools and the ever blurring line between producer and consumer. One of the best examples is found in the "spoilers" who attempt to dissect that which is "Survivor" in attempt to divulge the secrets to who is going to be the ultimate survivor. Connecting with a community of like-minded souls who seek the thrill of unveiling who goes next reminds all with the help of the Internet. Another shining example, American Idol, seems to stabilize our TV viewing by hooking us with the need to vote after the show. A clever move in the age of TiVo and digital video recording. I find humor in the idea of collective intelligence where one person is not omniscient and needs the input of others to gain supreme knowledge. These collective communities come together as if playing a game with the ultimate goal of revealing the winner thus spoiling the anticipation that has built up for thousands of viewers. The "fourth screen" brings a new level of media availability to consumers that takes us mobile. No longer are we confined by the walls of our home. This new streamlined technology is transforming life as we know it.
Week 1 PowerPoint Junkie Finds Style
I found the YouTube video by Doctor Don--PowerPoint Therapist spot on. He nailed down the common faux pas that most of us make when using PowerPoint to deliver our message. I am guilty too of using animations and fancy transitions that often were for novelty. However, I am looking forward to this class to merge my existing skills and streamline the delivery process. Often I find it difficult to limit the amount of information in my presentation especially when the target audience is middle school. These students do not want extra information--they only care about what's essential to their survival. This class excites me because it represents the culmination of every experience we've had in the program thus far. I hope to refine my presentation skills and combine existing technologies to showcase a style that is beyond the norm. Hopefully, this course will help with the logistics of my media project for my thesis. My vision incorporates CPS clickers into a multimedia presentation to engage and motivate students, thus increasing performance.
Video Create in PowerPoint captured with SnapzProX
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Week 1 Content Delivery

rcoasterk22. (artist). (2007). Mac Applications. [photo]. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/83029339@N00/1525278381/
As I watched this weeks videos, I found myself thinking back to month 2 when we applied the ADDIE model to lesson planning. It was a complex series of analysis which came down to knowing your audience. Teaching students to use the appropriate tools and technology to delivery their message is so important. I thought back to when I first had students create projects on the computer and for the most part I chose the appropriate tools. Creating a propaganda poster with one image and powerful text is one of my favorite examples as well as the time students recorded a old time radio advertisement to reflect a period in history. Yet I still find novelty alluring but must remind myself to utilize the best tool so that the audience receives the intended message.
Week 1 Environment/Presentation Survey

Howarth, K. (artist). (2008). Bright Classroom. [photo]. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from
Throughout this program I've evaluated aspects of my classroom that show whether my students are experiencing an optimal learning environment, yet somehow have not fully realized the impact of posted visuals. My classroom is more like an office and I teach multiple groups of learners throughout the day. The reading intervention program that I use is theme related but not across grade levels. Thus, I never mastered the art of displaying visuals in a way that captured the theme showcasing all of the levels of images my students need to build background. I felt that too many diverse images would overwhelm the room and be more of a distraction than beneficial. So, I limited the visuals to a focused set of images that we relevant to each group and limited the exposure of those images to other groups of students. Evaluating my visual environment really left me feeling like I neglected an important aspect of my students' learning. I am however excited to reinvent my classroom and find a creative way to conquer that art of displaying visuals.
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