The Art of Possibilities is strikingly similar to this other study I am doing where it is all about identifying the false assumption that we have that tend to hold us back. I really had to ponder the thought of "getting back in the boat" as necessary to be able to steer. My perception of a boat is different because of a previous study "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat". So I see getting out as a good thing as long as your eyes remain focused and you don't look down. It's the looking down and falling in that cause of to loose of sense of direction and purpose. Although I've seen the dots puzzle before, I struggled to remember how to complete it. I knew that I had to go outside of the bounds of the dots, but for the life of me I couldn't remember how. This experience struck a chord with me as to the number of times I've limited myself to the confines of my preconceived notions. I thought about my current status and the underlying assumptions that seem to limit my situation. So, now I see that I must create what I haven't thought of yet to provide alternate choices. Wow, I never thought of "How are you?" in such a way that I could answer "perfect". What a transformation of lives could take place if only our perspectives were widened. A "Universe of Possibility" simply just allows us to live without being defined or driven by our internal need to survive. "Giving an A" brings the greatest form of freedom, the freedom to express ones self without fear of failure. It's a license to reach beyond the norm and strive to demonstrate one's own brilliance. I've seen this is practice, yet ultimately seeing several succumb to playing second fiddle. "Leading from Any Chair" often is a daunting task for some people as many tend to not see what difference they make. For me this were the most striking statement of the book appears, "Who am I being that they are not shining?" What a profound thought if only trainers/educator took this approach. I also love the possibility of change coming through pouring all you've got into what you love. "Rule Number 6" how true of today's society to be so tightly wound that applying this rule would unlock such potential. Also so typical that our calculating self often lets someone stand in the way of reaching complete satisfaction. Luckily the central self handles life as it comes and goes with the f low.
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