rcoasterk22. (artist). (2007). Mac Applications. [photo]. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from http://www.flickr.com/photos/83029339@N00/1525278381/
As I watched this weeks videos, I found myself thinking back to month 2 when we applied the ADDIE model to lesson planning. It was a complex series of analysis which came down to knowing your audience. Teaching students to use the appropriate tools and technology to delivery their message is so important. I thought back to when I first had students create projects on the computer and for the most part I chose the appropriate tools. Creating a propaganda poster with one image and powerful text is one of my favorite examples as well as the time students recorded a old time radio advertisement to reflect a period in history. Yet I still find novelty alluring but must remind myself to utilize the best tool so that the audience receives the intended message.