Saturday, June 6, 2009

Week 1 Content Delivery

rcoasterk22. (artist). (2007). Mac Applications. [photo]. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from

As I watched this weeks videos, I found myself thinking back to month 2 when we applied the ADDIE model to lesson planning. It was a complex series of analysis which came down to knowing your audience. Teaching students to use the appropriate tools and technology to delivery their message is so important. I thought back to when I first had students create projects on the computer and for the most part I chose the appropriate tools. Creating a propaganda poster with one image and powerful text is one of my favorite examples as well as the time students recorded a old time radio advertisement to reflect a period in history. Yet I still find novelty alluring but must remind myself to utilize the best tool so that the audience receives the intended message.

Week 1 Environment/Presentation Survey

Howarth, K. (artist). (2008). Bright Classroom. [photo]. Retrieved June 6, 2009, from

Throughout this program I've evaluated aspects of my classroom that show whether my students are experiencing an optimal learning environment, yet somehow have not fully realized the impact of posted visuals. My classroom is more like an office and I teach multiple groups of learners throughout the day. The reading intervention program that I use is theme related but not across grade levels. Thus, I never mastered the art of displaying visuals in a way that captured the theme showcasing all of the levels of images my students need to build background. I felt that too many diverse images would overwhelm the room and be more of a distraction than beneficial. So, I limited the visuals to a focused set of images that we relevant to each group and limited the exposure of those images to other groups of students. Evaluating my visual environment really left me feeling like I neglected an important aspect of my students' learning. I am however excited to reinvent my classroom and find a creative way to conquer that art of displaying visuals.